Hyderabad Traffic

        Have you ever faced a situation where you were driving on a one-way street and there was on oncoming traffic coming on the same road? I guess most of you would have definitely faced this situation. I faced this situation recently near Hanuman Temple of Motinagar Colony in Hyderabad. 

        This road has been made a one-way street recently. A proper board was set up at the entry of the road informing the vehicles to not enter this road and use the other road. I travel on this road almost on a daily basis. One fine day I was very frustrated as none of the vehicles were following the rules. I decided to give a try by the hard way and stopped a car that was coming on the wrong way by placing my car opposite to it. It was a taxi car and the driver came down to me and questioned me "Why are you blocking my way?". I answered him very politely saying "This is a one-way street and you are on the wrong way. Please reverse your car and take the other road". He replied me "Why are you stopping only me and why aren't you stopping others. I will not remove my car, if you want you only reverse your car and go ahead" and sat back in his car. 
        I just turned off my engine and sat in my car listening to the music. He again got down the car and started cursing me for not clearing the road. I decided to not respond to him and ignored him totally. He realized that I will not move from his way so he started reversing his vehicle. There was enough space for the traffic to move on other half of the road. He started to move onto the other side of the road avoiding my vehicle. I put my vehicle opposing him and blocked his way again. Now the traffic started to jam a little bit and vehicles were honking at his car. He finally decided to back off his vehicle and take the right way. A few drivers behind him also realized that they were on the wrong side of the road and reversed their vehicles.

I recorded a two-minute video of the traffic moving on this road:

        If you had watched the above video, there were more number of vehicles travelling on the wrong way than the vehicles that were moving on the correct road. I tried to capture the pictures of the vehicles that were travelling on the wrong route so that I can report it to the Hawk Eye Hyderabad Traffic Police app. But my camera couldn't capture the image of the number plate properly. If the Traffic Police have decided to implement certain rules, it is their responsibility to check if the changes made are being implemented properly.

        By violating a rule, drivers are made to pay certain amount of fine and attend counselling session depending upon the severity. I would like to suggest that punishment for violation of rules should be made mandatory. Punishments like cleaning of the streets, controlling traffic by assisting the Traffic Police, etc should be encouraged along with fining the violaters. The amount of fine should also be increased. This would help the Traffic Police Department to generate more income from violations and enable them to serve the public by increasing remote monitoring using surveillance equipment. This would also create a fear for the drivers to commit a violation if the finable amount is high.

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